Item# oregon_mountain_placer_5500

Product Description

T.2S. R.73W. Sec.22

Enrichment on this claim, to a large degree is the extension of the A. R. Gangloff Placer, an adjacent patented claim. According to Dr. Ben H. Parker in the 1974 Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines: Gold Placers in Colorado (Book 1 of 2) gold occurs in surrounding creeks including Silver Creek [Page 105].

There were many mines at one point in time along silver Creek and Oregon Hill, as discussed in USGS Professional Paper 94 Economic Geology of Gilpin County and Adjacent Parts of Clear Creek and Boulder Counties, Colorado. Gold Anchor Mine nearby this claim once produced between $4000 and $5000. "Most of the ore is somewhat oxidized, and the free-milling surface ore appears to have been rich in gold." Another mine, Chesapeake Tunnel, was "said to average about $20 a ton in gold, 95 per cent of which is in free gold." Both of these mines were closed before publication in 1917. This second mine probably ran close to 1oz./ton of gold.

Driving Directions from Apex.

Driving Directions from the intersection of Apex Valley Road and Silver Creek.

3D Topographic showing the route from Silver Creek and Apex Valley Road.

3D aerial view showing the final turn off to reach Oregon Mountain Placer.

3D aerial view with the claim outlined.

USGS shaded topo map of Oregon Hill Placer and surrounding patented pieces of land.