Gilpin County, on the east slope of the Front Range in north-central Colorado about 30 miles west of Denver, ranks second amoung the counties of Colorado in gold production. Through 1959 it produced 4,255,000 ounces of gold.
The main areas of interest are the northern districts of Perigo, Independence, and PineKingston-Apex, covering half a township 20 to 35 miles southwest of Boulder in Boulder County and 50-60 mi. Northwest of Denver. There are good access roads and very many mines that produced lode and by-product gold. Also the southern districts of Central, Nevada, Gregory, Russel, and Quartz Mountain, 40 to 50 miles west of Denver and southwest of Boulder. There are very many mines, prospect all dumps, for lode and by-product gold.
In Blackhwak there are many rich area mines, mostly base metal and silver, with by-product of gold. The Gregory diggings were rich placers discovered in 1859. At Russel Gulch, area gravel deposits are productive placer deposits. There are many area lode mines, in early day production, $400 per day per man at $35 an ounce.
Central City district, along South boundary of county, the North segment of the rich chain of ore deposits between Central City and Idaho Springs in Clear Creek County. This district had a total production of 4,170,000 ounces of lode gold and 30,000 ounces of placer gold. Southwest of Central City by 2.1 miles on Route 279, past ghost town of Russel Gulch, the area old mine dumps have gold showings. If you turn right onto Route 279 (unmarked) go 3.8 miles to the Gloryhole, enormous open pit with dangerous rim, you will find gold showings in a variety of minerals. If you take Road to ghost town of Apex, just North of North Clear Creek in central part of county, you will find the northern Gilpin district, extending North to the Boulder County line, most important mines lie just South of Apex. This district had a total production of 35,000 ounces lode gold. The Gilpin area, second most important mines you can look on dumps and find gold showings. In Gamble Gulch there are rich placers. The Dirt and Perigo mines, active to 1959 for lode gold.
In Rollinsville all area gulches the placers worked since 1897. Along South Boulder Creek dredging from 1937-39 produced 7,724 ounces of placer gold.