Item# little-mountain-203

Product Description

20 Acre Lode claim
T.7S. R.77W. Sec.6

Little Mountain is located just South of downtown Breckenridge off Hwy 9 between CR10 and CR789. This is the outskirts of Breckenridge with some residences in the vicinity. Access is easy with nearby paved and dirt roads. Claim overlaps patented pieces at edges which makes is just under 20 acres. This property is an unpatented claim located between several pieces of patented property (private) with easy access including a trail that goes through the property.

According to Ransom (1911, p.161-162), "At a few places, especially on Shock Hill and Little Mountain, oxidized gold-silver ores have been found at slight depth in the fissured [Dakota] quartzite....The gold and silver are either distributed rather generally among the many small irregular fractures in the...quartzite or segregated at a few favorable spots into pockets of exceptionally rich ore." Dr. Ben H. Parker elaborates on this in the 1974 Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines: Gold Placers of Colorado - Book 1, "The ore contained native gold and native silver or cerargyrite in a spongy limonitic matrix in fractures and solution cavities in the quartzite. With the exception of the ores of the 'veins in the Precambrian rocks,' almost all the rich gold ores of the district were produced from the oxidized zones. Ransome (1911, p.169-170) and Lovering (1934, p.32) both concluded that much of the gold in these ores was of supergene origin."

Map showing an aerial view of the claim.

Map showing a 3D aerial view of the claim.